TypeScript: Why and how we adopted it at SlackAt Slack, we use one JavaScript codebase to build a multi-threaded desktop application, routinely interacting with native code. Managing large JavaScript codebases is challenging - we need a guarantee that the individual pieces fit together. In the desktop world, a small mistake is likely to result in a crash. To that end, we adopted TypeScript and quickly learned to stop worrying and love the compiler. See an introduction and a detailed account of porting a large code base, learn why exactly TypeScript is so popular, what the downsides are, and how you would slowly adopt it in your development.
Introduction to LucetWebAssembly is no longer just for browsers. This talk will introduce Lucet, a native code compiler and runtime system Fastly has developed for running WebAssembly programs quickly and safely in our edge cloud platform. In March, we released Lucet as open source under a permissive license. We will take a close look at how Lucet's pieces fit together, and see how the Terrarium demonstration service provides a template for designing secure web services around untrusted user code.
Making less of the web with feature policyThe web platform has seen a decade of furious expansion, with websites now able to access USB, vibration, bluetooth, and geolocation, as well as store huge amounts of data on end user devices, trigger background sync and notifications, and even get paid from users' digital wallets. But with this expansion has come an increased scope for attacks, costly mistakes and performance regressions. Feature policy is a new feature designed to actually disable or limit features of the platform. With a feature policy, developers can solve performance issues, improve security, police their development team's best practices, and even stop third party scripts from misbehaving. All with one new HTTP header.
このセッションでは、ログやカスタマーサクセスチームのヒアリング結果をもとに、「どういうフォームがユーザーの離脱を促してしまうのか」「その離脱を防ぐためにはどういう機能を実装しなければいけないのか」「意図せず使いにくいフォームを作ってしまう実装上の落とし穴とその回避方法(とくにマルチデバイスでの話)」についてお話しできればと思います。 -